Wednesday, October 6, 2010

“If there were no God, it would have been necessary to invent him.” -Voltaire

"I know that you don't believe in God or the power of prayer. And that's okay. To each his own. But you've go to believe in something. Something more than you can touch taste or see. Because life is too hard to go through it alone. Without something to hold onto and without something that's sacred."

A while back I had a discussion with a friend about religious beliefs. During our conversation this person revealed to me that they are an atheist and that really made me think. Atheism is a concept that I just can't wrap my brain around. I understand people believing different gods or multiple gods or "the universe" but I can't figure out how someone can go through life without believing in anything at all. Do these people believe that everything that happens to them everyday is a completely random occurrence with no rhyme or reason? I feel like too many awful and wonderful things happen every day for there not to be some sort of cosmic plan. However, to be fair, I have had of wonderful things in m life so perhaps that is why it is so easy for me to have faith in "the plan".
Although...perhaps if you believe in something less ethereal like you family and your friends you won't spend your life trying to appease your god or gods. Perhaps the atheists have it right and instead of focusing on trying to please the big guy in the sky we should focus on trying to please the old woman beside us on the bus or the young man bagging our groceries.
Personally, I think that I will always believe in the big guy in the sky and not just because of the blessings he has given me. I believe in him because in order to live my life I need to know that there is a blueprint, a master plan. To those that don't need that comfort and safety I give my kudos...I am not brave enough to go it alone.

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