Now that she is grown up she still watches movies, lots of movies... and the movies still have the same message. However, now instead of looking for Prince Charming in a cape or a crown she is looking for her tortured, satirical, music loving, cardigan wearing indie boy.
A young, awkward man longing for his quirky, enigmatic soul mate. The setting is different but the story and the characters are the same. How I long to be the slightly pretty and neurotic, cardigan wearing love interest...but I don't think it's meant to be. I didn't fit into the stereotype of the "damsel in distress" or "the princess" and I don't fit into the stereotype of the "pretty, complicated but endearing indie girl" either. I'm too loud, to open, to mainstream to find the indie prince charming I've been searching for. Do I need to change my expectations? Should I just settle for a nice guy who likes me?